Pants, Pants, Pants, and More Pants Needed by Samaritan Ministry
Saint Olaf Samaritan Ministry needs men’s pants in all sizes,
especially jeans and work pants, to stock our clothing closet. New or gently
used pants may be dropped off during the week or when you come for mass on
weekends. Thank you for your assistance!
Thanks to community partners for Samaritan Ministry support!
Starbucks at 1st and Hennepin has joined the location at 5th and Marquette in donating baked goods three times per week for our Samaritan Ministry hospitality efforts.
Benchmark Reporting Agency, our next door neighbor in the Campbell-Mithun Tower, recently donated 1,000 reusable tote bags for our Samaritan Ministry guests. The bags are great for those getting clothing or food.
The League of Catholic Women hosted the first of their quarterly drives recently and provided hundreds of items in support of Samaritan Ministry.
Samaritan Ministry Hospitality Is Open Monday Mornings
One of the goals of Saint Olaf Samaritan Ministry is to provide genuine hospitality to all guests, parish members and neighbors. The Forliti Gathering Room is now open on Mondays beginning at 7:30 am (right after the 7:00 am Mass) for hospitality: refreshments, conversation, connections to community resources, and reception for Samaritan Ministry. Stop by for a time to welcome neighbors and begin the day. We hope to “expand this expansion” and be open more days and hours in the future. To learn about opportunities to be part of this ministry, contact Michael Griffin, Director of Social Ministry, 612-767-7632 or
Consider Sharing Your Gifts: Volunteer with Samaritan Ministry
You can make a difference working with people who are seeking a listening presence and practical help. Services: Meet and listen to guests. Assist guests with food, clothing, household items, and transportation assistance. Make referrals as needed. Especially needed Tuesdays. Sorters: Sort and organize clothing and household donations which are received on a daily basis. Properly display items. Needed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Advocate: Offer listening support, problem solve, make referrals when appropriate. Determine financial assistance based on funding availability and established guidelines. Volunteer hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 9:00am – 12:00Noon or 9:00am – 2:00pm. All direct service volunteers require a background check, interview, orientation and ongoing training. Join a wonderful community of people of joy and service! Contact Samaritan Ministry Coordinator Michael Griffin at or 612-767-7632.
“The poor have much to teach us. We can start by learning their names.”
- Pope Francis

Saint Olaf Samaritan Ministry (formerly Saint Olaf Social Outreach Program) continues a 43+ year tradition of serving those who come to our parish door in time of need. Samaritan Ministry provides a safe and comfortable place of hospitality, hope and service. We meet with each guest and listen to their story, discern their needs and support their goals.
We Offer: clean, gently used clothing primarily for men and women; household goods, food pantry items; limited transportation assistance for medical appointments and jobs; and support of goals, problem-solving and advocacy.
Monday through Wednesday
9:00am – 11:00am: Walk-ins welcome! No appointments necessary.
Volunteers receive the presence of another person seeking hope and help.
Volunteers experience the presence of Christ in humble service.
Volunteers receive and participate in communal prayer, ongoing training and support.
Volunteers give of themselves, their time, their humor, and their skills.
Opportunities include:
Hospitality: Greet guests; prepare snacks and beverages; provide clerical support and filing.
Guest Services: Assist guests with food, clothing, household items and transportation assistance.
Sorter: Sort, organize and display clothes, household donations and food.
Advocate: Meet one-on-one to problem-solve; make referrals; determine financial assistance.
Special one-time projects throughout year.
All volunteers working one-on-one with guests require a background check, interview, orientation and ongoing training.
Volunteer hours are one day per week on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, from 8:45 – 11:30am. Interested? Curious? Ready to give and receive? For more information, contact Michael Griffin at 612-767-7632 or
Food: high protein items; canned meat or tuna; peanut butter; beans; canned fruits and vegetables; hearty soups, chili, stew; snack items such as granola bars, raisins, nuts; individual gelatin or fruit cups
Clothing: women and men’s in-season clothing, especially large sizes; shoes, boots and good walking shoes; new underwear for women, men and children; socks; gently-used bras
Household Items: bed sheets (all sizes); towels; cookware, especially pots and pans; cooking utensils; small appliances like toasters, coffee pots, crock pots
We DO NOT accept furniture. Please try St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store at 2939 12th Ave. South, Minneapolis, 612-722-7882 or Bridging 952-888-1105 or 651-631-3255.
Deliver your donations to the parish office Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm. During weekend Masses you can give your items to an usher or place them in the blue bins in the back of church.