Thursday Synod ONLINE Small Group Meetings

Thursday Synod ONLINE Small Group Meetings

Thursday Synod ONLINE Small Group Meetings
October 28
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Archbishop Hebda needs YOUR help!
The Archdiocesan Synod moves to the individual parish level this fall and your input is needed to help the Archbishop chart the course for our local Church.

Please consider joining the small group discussion process here at Saint Olaf to meet, discuss, and give feedback to the Archbishop on the Synod Questions

Saint Olaf will offer three options for Saint Olaf Parish Open Invite Synod Groups
(Note: Your individual ministries may also offer their own Synod gatherings - check with your ministry lead contact).

Thursday evening  (ZOOM) ONLINE option from 6:30pm - 8:30pm, September 23 - October 28
CLICK HERE to Register for Thursday ONLINE Synod Sessions

Pray. Learn. Discuss. Respond: 
Pray: Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Learn: Experience the compelling truth of the Catholic faith in today’s cultural context.
Discuss: Examine questions under each focus area, sharing perspectives among a small group of sisters and brothers in Christ.
Respond: Weigh in on how we as a Church might respond to these questions to help Archbishop determine priorities.

Focus areas for Synod consideration:
1.  Forming parishes that are in the service of evangelization
Welcoming Parishes
- What can we do to make parishes more welcoming and accessible?
Collaboration in parish ministry
Liturgy and the Sunday experience
Parishes as "central driving force" of evangelization
Bringing the implications of the Gospel into our communities
2.  Forming missionary disciples who know Jesus's love and respond to his call
  Personally encountering Jesus
Tools to foster discipleship
- How can we offer meaningful life-long formation for discipleship?
Enhancing adult formation
Fostering the universal call to holiness
Joyful service as a Gospel imperative

3. Forming youth and young adults in and for a Church that is always young

Supporting parents as primary educators
- How can we better assist parents in forming children as disciples who know and love Jesus and His Church?
Helping the young encounter Jesus
Education at the service of encountering Christ
Ministry to millennials
Rethinking structures of young adult ministry


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